KBIS 2007 - Sub Zero's Inspiring Booth

KBIS%202007%20226a.jpgI've got to say, the Sub-Zero booth at KBIS is one of the, if not THE booth to go to to see inspiring designs. More than inspiring, it is wild, wonderful, fantastic, design. This year does not disappoint. Seeing the Sub-Zero booth just gets the design juices flowing, broadening the possibilites for incorporating appliances into kitchens in a fabulous way. Spotlighting Jamie Drake of Drake Design, New York, NY, here is what Jamie Drake's design is all about, from Sub-Zero:

"Jamie Drake's design stems from the magical mystique of the number seven -- seven deadly sins, Seven Wonders of the World, seven seas. The seven deadly sins is a creation featuring a Wolf rangetop with charbroiler set in a red hot peninsula, paired with a series of Wolf wall ovens and a floor afire with glowing embers. This design creates an appliance-focused environment that is presented to designers in an unexpected way. The other two designs also whimsically invoke the number "seven".

The image is of Jamie Drake, himself. 

